Finding Balance…

15 Dec


Today, I have made a decision to start incorporating more of myself into this blog, rather than just the things that inspire me or craft projects or recipes. Life is about living, so shouldn’t my blog be a bit more about me?

I am a freelance writer, primarily for Demand concentrating on home and garden writing. I enjoy what I do, but lately I have been struggling a bit. I started a new company Eliza Jane Marketing which focuses on helping people land their dream jobs through personal branding. Both are things that are close to my heart, but I am definitely having trouble finding the time/energy to work on both projects.

Also, I am struggling with this desire to want to craft all the time. I had the idea to make it a primarily handmade Christmas, which lead me to wanting to share my crafts with the public. So, I feel the desire to open an Etsy shop, which I am planning on doing after the holidays.

It’s a lot to balance, and that’s just my career. So, now I am trying to figure out how to balance it all. Since I am also sincerely trying to dig myself out of debt and improve my credit, I realize I need to focus on the job that is a guaranteed income. Alas, I need to spend more time on the writing…

So, this week has been all about finding balance between what I want to do and what I need to do. I have figured out what I need to accomplish in a week, and set up a tally sheet. Yep, I’m old school over here. So…that’s that. We shall see how it all goes on this quest to find balance in my professional life.

Do you struggle with professional balance?

7 Responses to “Finding Balance…”

  1. Heather Rae December 15, 2010 at 7:01 pm #

    I struggle with balance all the time – bouncing between what I *want* to do and what I *need* to do. And, honestly, my wants and needs seem to change fairly often also. I am learning to focus on getting the *needs* out of the way before the fun stuff. But I seem to revisit this issue often. I hope one day to have it down. Until then, I’m trying to be patient with myself. 🙂

    • erinmakesitwork December 15, 2010 at 7:41 pm #

      I am trying to learn to be patient with myself too. This has been my struggle since college, with so many choices and interests I find myself pulled in so many different directions, I am constantly balanced on the edge.

  2. Sarah December 16, 2010 at 11:05 pm #

    Ugh, yes! Professional life balanced with personal life, spiritual life, etc. EVERYTHING feels like a struggle sometimes.

  3. Brianne December 20, 2010 at 10:47 pm #

    that entire post could have easily been written by me. i feel that way every day…

    • erinmakesitwork December 20, 2010 at 10:52 pm #

      It’s difficult, but I am working hard to achieve some sort of balance.

  4. hannahkaty December 22, 2010 at 5:21 pm #

    I struggle with this a lot… Another thing I struggle with is not letting myself do what I really want to do.. I want to be a personal trainer but I worry I should be doing something else. But you look like you are on the right tracK!

    • erinmakesitwork December 22, 2010 at 5:23 pm #

      Thank you! I am trying really hard to power through this and keep chasing my dreams, while not letting go of my responsibilities.

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